How to Eat Well: The New Food Rules

How to eat well

The Atkins diet, for example, strictly forbids carbohydrates while encouraging meats and fats. There are other diet rules, such as grapefruit for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the popular no food after 9 o'clock rule.

These food rules are supposed to help us to improve our health and lose weight but often result in temporary weight loss. improper nutrition and in severe cases, lead to medical conditions like osteoporosis, dehydration and heart disease.

Instead of adhering to complex and unscientific diet rules, experts suggest going back to basics and to focus on simply eating well. Take your time to buy some healthy food from Health Food Stores.

Eat something green with every meal Mostly plants." These three simple sentences sum up an easy rule to follow. Including at least one fruit or vegetable item in each meal will help to increase your intake of vitamins and minerals.

Even dried fruit such as apricots and raisins count towards your daily quota and are much healthier than crisps or chocolate. Incorporating just of building up a habit of eating more plants, which will help your health.

Eat good meat.

As a source of protein, meat is an essential part of any diet. However, meat is expensive in terms of monetary cost and environmental impact. Much of the meat available is mass-produced from battery chicken factories or industrial farms and is low in nutrition.

Good meat should be free-range and organic, which means that it contains no artificial hormones or chemicals. Although good meat can be expensive, the benefits of organic and free-range beef or lamb far outweighs industrially produced meat.

Eat less quantity.

Better quality meat, and this will help your wallet, the environment and your health. Fill up on the good stuff At buffets or large parties with tables heaving with food, the temptation can often lead us to gorge on the greasy deep-fried stuff and ignoring the salad bar. Instead of feeding your hunger with unhealthy food, take the edge off with a starter of fish or seafood then line your stomach with a plateful of vegetables piled high.

Eat good bread like wholemeal, rye and sourdough.

Choose steamed food over grilled, grilled overroasts, roasts over fried, and fried over deep-fried. Filling up on good, healthy food will leave less space for the bad stuff. Eat to experience Having lunch on the run may help your productivity but eating on the go is detrimental in the long term. Eating is an enjoyable, sensual experience, so make the most of it. Savor the flavors and texture of your food.

Eat slowly and chew properly instead of gulping food down.

Make the most of the experience and treat yourself to a fine dining meal, even at home. Light some candles, play music, drink from good glasses and eat from fine china. Start the day with oats and end it with chocolate. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it kick starts your metabolism, which leads to more calories burned during the day.

Have a healthy breakfast of porridge and fruit, or toast with honey every day. Skipping breakfast will have repercussions on your energy levels and concentration skills throughout the rest of your day. Likewise, it is important to end your day right.

Treat yourself to a small piece of fine quality dark chocolate your mood. Best of all, experts believe that dark chocolate is good for your heart and is full of antioxidants.

Eat what you want but want what you eat. 

Eating is often more than just a physical need; it can be an emotional need too. Anyone who has comforted themselves with a bucket of ice cream or a tray of chocolates after a break up understands that it is not hunger that drives them to eat, but emotional comfort.

Paying attention to the emotional triggers that drive eating habits will help you to eat better. Instead of simply eating for comfort or out of boredom, determine if you really are hungry when reaching for that bar of chocolate, instead of just bored, and put it back if it is the latter.

Eat less processed food and do physical activity.

As a general rule of thumb, the more unrecognizable the food is, the more processing it has undergone. Processed foods contain preservatives, a high salt content. Very important part is daily physical activity. Hire a personal gym trainer or simply do some basic exercies to stay fit.

Eating healthy food and doing physical activity will surely help you maintain a healthy weight reducing the risk of chronic diseases and following the tips of this guide will give you benefits  that will stay in a long-term.

Health & Lifestyles

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