How to Grow Strawberries at Home

How to Grow Strawberries

Searching under the leaves for ripe strawberries is a great way to spend time in the garden. They are often the first fruit to ripen, maturing in as little as six weeks after the last frost in winter.

Strawberries require excellent soil conditions and lots of water to produce well. A watchful eye for pests also goes a long way towards ensuring that the effort to grow them is rewarded with a successful harvest. They are an attractive perennial groundcover though fruit production diminishes after the first couple of years.


The strawberries can be found in grocery stores in Dubai are bred primarily for their ability to withstand shipping and are often picked prematurely to extend their shelf life even more. 

1. June-bearing strawberries produce one crop each year in summer and usually have the largest fruit. In contrast, day-neutral varieties produce flowers and fruit continuously throughout the growing season. Ever-bearing types produce one early crop in spring and another in late summer or fall.

2. Some of the most disease-resistant varieties are Earliglow, Allstar, Hood, Guardian, Tribute, Delite, and Lateglow.

3. Smaller varieties tend to be the sweetest and most aromatic. The less common Alpine Strawberries have very small fruits and a more intense, exotic flavor. They can be found in red, white, and yellow cultivars.


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