Productive Things to Do When Bored

Productive Things to Do When Bored

What to do when Bored?

Sometimes, life's dullness just gets to you. You've completed your to-do list, did your homework, finished your chores, and got tired of social media. You've got seemingly endless time to kill and don't really want to browse Instagram for the next couple of hours.

So, what can you do? You don't want to feel like you've just wasted away the day and do nothing productive. In times like these, even doing little things make a big difference. Sure, you don't need to discover the cure for cancer in your downtime, but doing something is better than doing nothing.

Today's fast-paced internet age makes it almost impossible to be bored, but sometimes we do need a little stimulation.

Meal prep:

Let's say that the average lunch out costs about $10. If you're eating out every workday, you're spending an extra $200 a month. That adds up to a lot of money quickly. Instead, invest in some groceries and order healthy food from delivery services to prepare your meals for the week. You can find plenty of cheap and healthy recipes online.

Clean your drawers:

You probably have that one space where you throw all your random knick-knacks. You know, those random items you've accumulated from fairs like miscellaneous freebies and other junk you never Luse. 5It's time to toss all the garbage and only keep what you really need.

Backup your files:

What would happen if your computer crashed or you lost your USB stick? How much trouble would you be in? Save your items to a loud or external hard drive just in case. In a perfect world, you wouldn't ever have to worry about these things happening to you, but it never hurts to just be a little bit cautious.

You'll be thanking yourself during that rare moment when you Clean up your files. Go through your computers or USB drive and look at how much space is being taken up. You probably have files left and right of all sorts of things.

You might have your college homework from two years ago or that random meme you were going to show your friend. Purge some of these items to clean up your digital space. While you're at it, delete all those extra pictures on your phone and those songs you stopped listening to on Spotify or iTunes.

Keep a bullet journal:

Sometimes, life can get overwhelming and you need to organize your thoughts. That's where a bullet journal comes in. This efficient analog system helps you keep track of all your daily to-do lists and goals. You should take at least a few minutes each day to write down your daily tasks and mark which goals you've worked towards achieving.

Meditate and Exercise:

Taking five minutes out of your day to practice mindful meditation has huge benefits. Studies have down that daily meditation increases productivity, concentration, relaxation, positive emotions, self-esteem, and self-awareness.

Plus, the practice helps lower blood pressure, depression, anxiety, insomnia, pain, and stress. What have you got to lose? This is one daily habit to start incorporating into your life as soon as possible. A mere five minutes of meditation a day can lead to amazing benefits.

Doing exercise everyday or going to the gym a few times a week are also a good choice to spend your time effectively. Don't think only about killing your spare time. Those are the things that will help you be healthy both physically and mentally in a long-term.

Clean your closet:

Too many people simply accumulate clothes that they never wear. You probably found a few items in a bargain bin or thrift store and fell in love with how cheap it was. Ask yourself how much you really need each item. Would you even notice if it disappeared from your wardrobe?

Get rid of the things that you don't wear or don't fit and donate them to the Salvation Army or another charity. You'll give back to the community while making your room neater. Fix your clothes You probably have a lot of clothes with missing buttons, holes, tears, and other things.

Other items might not fit anymore because you lost weight or bought the wrong size. Sew up any holes and tailor ill-fitting items.

Filter out notifications:

People spend an average of 40 minutes on youtube, 35 minutes on Facebook, 25 minutes on Snapchat, and 15 minutes on Instagram each day.

This adds up to over a year's worth of time spent on youtube and Facebook over your lifetime. Imagine what you can do with all that extra time! Reduce your time spent on these platforms by disabling certain notifications. You don't need to know about each time someone starts a live video or comments on a thread. Cut out the noise on as many apps as possible.

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