The Benefits, Risks and Side Effects of Caffeine Consumption
The Benefits, Risks and Side Effects of Caffeine Consumption.
Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant found in certain parts of plants including the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis, (tea leaves), and the seeds of shrubs in the Rubiaceae family, (coffee beans). It is a stimulant of the central nervous system in the methylxanthine class that temporarily blocks adenine receptors while stimulating certain parts of the autonomic nervous system resulting in a feeling of alertness and mental clarity.
The morning coffee drinker may say that the caffeine helps them to wake up but there are many other benefits associated with the regulated use of caffeine. Research shows that caffeine drinkers suffer less memory Iocc In addition caffeine regularly detoxifies the liver and cleanses the colon.
Caffeine users are also less likely to contract melanoma skin cancer according to a Rutgers University study. Caffeine has proven to be beneficial in the realm of sports and exercise as it not only improves physical stamina but can also relieve post-exercise aches and pains by up to forty-eight percent.
Caffeine mixed with carbohydrates helps to replenish muscle glycogen after exercise thus reducing the necessary recovery time after strenuous activity. Caffeine is the oldest known appetite suppressant with use dating back to the Mayan Empire and early West African tribes who chewed Koda beans to curb their appetites. While there are many potential benefits to consuming caffeine, there are also risks associated with prolonged Luse of the stimulant. People who consume caffeine are less likely to be suicidal, however, caffeine has been linked to increased anxiety, depression, and panic attacks in some individuals.
Occasional caffeine consumption may relieve tension headaches, but prolonged use could lead to more frequent headaches and migraines. Overuse of caffeine has been directly linked to an increased risk of heart attack in young adults and an increase in blood pressure, particularly for individuals already suffering from hypertension.
Caffeine affects multiple parts of the body in unique ways. When caffeine reaches the brain, the brain responds almost immediately with an overall sense of alertness. It may also temporarily relieve drowsiness and fatigue. Too much caffeine, however, can cause confusion and headaches.