in Writing

Writing Faster, Writing Smarter

Writing Faster, Writing Smarter

Every writer can improve their working speed and quality (you may visit another content we created entitled, "Five Steps to Better Writing"). Though no writer works the Elme, there are general guidelines and tips to help every writer work better within their own process. Efficiency in writing improves both quantity and quality and is important to constantly strive for these.

Though every writer works differently, every writer would like to accomplish more. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to finish all they wish they could. Both fiction and nonfiction writers can suffer from inefficiency, and no matter how efficient you think you are, there is always room for improvement and a higher word count at the end of the day. Some of these tips seem self-evident, others might be new, but take the time to consider all of them and try to look at your writing process through the filter of these recommendations. You might find places where you can improve and different ideas on how to maximize your writing time. However, all writers are different, so some of these tips won't work for you.

It's important to plan ahead before you even sit down at the computer.

This can be done throughout the day, while you're doing chores before you fall asleep at night, or while you're driving. Knowing what you're going to write minimizes the amount of time you spend staring at the blank screen. Having a plan will galvanize your writing and motivate you to sit down sooner and for longer.

It's a good idea to stop before you've run out of things to say.

This can help the next day or later in the day when you need to get back to work. Stop in the middle and write down what comes next so that when you sit back down, it's easier to pick back up. Starting from scratch every time you write can slow you down and be demotivating. This allows you to always find the next sentence.

For goal-oriented writers, setting time goals can be helpful.

If you don't know how many words per hour you can type, now is the time to find out. Have a plan for what you're going to write, set a timer and take note of the word count after an hour. Do this more than once so that you can have a good idea of your average. Next time you sit down to work, write down your current word count and the time. Knowing how much you can do in an hour can motivate goal-oriented writers to make or beat that count and to work harder should they fall short. This can also be changed to suit your working habits. It doesn't have to be a word count per hour but per day or an article count per week.

Writing in modern times can be both easier and more difficult. Typing can increase your efficiency but there's also a greater draw for distractions.

So use the tools you have. There are free programs online that will turn off the Internet for a designated period of time.

Writers can also have a "work" computer used only for writing, that can't connect to the Internet. Some writers prefer to write longhand with pen and paper until they have a draft ready. For writers who like to dictate, there are programs available to satisfy this working style as well. The writer can find the easiest method for their process.

Designate a space for your writing.

If you haven't found your current space yet and this isn't allowing you to maximize your writing, try something new. Try going to different coffee shops in Dubai, or some quiet tourist spots where you can have your "me-time" and will enable you to relax your mind. Creativity is often activated when you aren't trying so hard. When you allow ideas to come while you are in a state of calmness.

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